The gentle traveler is walking through the mountains bearing gifts to children in the far away homes. His lantern lights his way as he pauses at a wayside shrine and reflects on the beautiful spiritual meaning of the season. The design was done on a 15 1/2" plate with a 10 1/2" center.
Complete Supply List:
Painting medium of choice
Flow Medium (optional)
Retarder Medium
Clear Glaze Medium
All Purpose Sealer
Napthol Red Light (Pyrrole Red)
Red Violet
Yellow Deep
Yellow Orange
Yellow Oxide
Gold Oxide
Yellow Green
Brilliant Green
Pthalo Green
Sea Grass*
Sea Swirl*
Pthalo Blue
Brilliant Violet
Diox Purple
Titanium White
Brown Earth
Raw Umber
Carbon Black
Flesh mix - Husk + Gold Oxide
Highlight flesh mix - Titanium White + touch of Yellow Orange + Orange
*Denotes background colors
Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 flats or filberts - Basic painting.
#0-2 short liner - Fine details.
3/8" Oval Wash - Mottled background effects.
1/2" old brush - Applying Retarder Medium.
3/4" - 1" mop - Blending out Retarder.
1/2" old filbert or flat - Shadow blending of darker colors on edge of plate - especially nice if brush will split a little.