The Toy Peddler - JP3308

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  • Regular price $9.95

Carrying his load of painted boxes and toys this traveler walks the mountain trails in search of business. Called a kraxentræger, his journey is eagerly awaited by many children.

This "salesman" was first presented on the cover of our Artist's Journal, Winter 1991, but was never taught. So here we would like to share with a toy border and some revisions of the original design.

This bundle includes the newly expanded packet for the Christmas plate with new photography and color close-ups, 16" turned basswood plate and FREE US shipping.

Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium
Clear Glaze Medium or Magic Mix

Gold Oxide
Napthol Red Light
Red Earth
Indian Red Oxide
Purple Madder
Turners Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Brown Earth
Brilliant Green
Teal Green
Storm Blue
Diox Purple
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Unbleached Titanium
Rich Gold
Basic Flesh Mix - white + Gold Oxide and touch of Yellow Oxide
Highlight flesh - white + Orange and touch of Turners Yellow

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 filbert or flat - basic painting
#0-2 blender - possibly preferred for blending techniques
#1-2 liner - fine details
1/2" - 3/4" old flat or filbert - Applying Retarder Medium
3/4" -1" mop - blending out retarder
#10 Oval Dry Brush or 1/2" Oval Wash - dry brushing*
*An old flat or filbert (#10-12) can also be used for dry brushing