Swedish Pancakes - JP1189

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  • Regular price $6.95

Crowned with a chef's hat that proclaims his profession, our Swedish cook is making kitchen artistry in the form of golden pancakes, a Swedish favorite. We're sure you'll flip over this bit of Jo Sonja whimsy, too.

Jo Sonja's Matte Flow Acrylics
Red Violet
Napthol Crimson
Yellow Deep
Olive Green
Moss Green
Ultramarine Blue
Carbon Black
Burnt Umber
Unbleached Titanium

Jo Sonja's Artist's Mediums
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium (optional)

Sure Touch Brushes
#4 Round or #6 Filbert
#2 Liner
#3 Round
1" Flat
1/2" - 3/8" Oval Glaze