Swedish Dala Plate - JP3336 Bundle

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  • Regular price $50.00

This is a large 16" scalloped edge plate with a narrow edge made by Tim Montzka.  If you've ever seen Montzka's plates you know that they are turned from basswood and that the very best available.  This bundle includes the 16" plate, pattern packet with photos, pattern and instructions and FREE US shipping.

From the central area of Sweden, the Province called Dalarna, comes the wonderful story telling painting of the Swedish folk artist. Their painted stories, mostly biblical, decorated the walls and ceilings of many homes. The furniture was usually done in a dark style, large areas of faux finish, to compliment the light style of the decoration on the walls. We can find some historical precedence for the painting of the light style on smaller items, however. I saw a couple of larger bride’s boxes at one museum in central Sweden.

A simple palette of toned primary colors is typical combined with faux finishes. Spattering of color was very common, especially on lower wall areas.
The artists usually traveled during the summer, when the roads were passable, to take their orders and then painted during the winter. The items on wall canvasses were delivered the next summer.

Briar Rose is a fairy tale compiled by the Brothers Grimm. Versions of the story come from both France and Germany. It is the fairy tale that we more commonly call Sleeping Beauty today.

For this interpretation we’ll take inspiration from the Swedish Dala painters, Jufwas Anders Ersson and Nygarfds Erick Anderson (1797-1870). Of course, the final presentation will be our own.

Kleister Medium or Magic Mix
Texture Paste (optional)
Add to your W or other colors when you want more texture to your strokes.

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Colors:
Indian Red Oxide – Dk R
Red Earth – R
Gold Oxide – O
Yellow Oxide + Provincial Beige (1-1) – Y
Paynes Grey + W – B
Carbon Black – BK
Titanium White – Flesh – O + W
If you want a green, Olive Green or Paynes Grey + Y

#6-8 filbert, #3-4 round – Basic painting, Y color bands.
#2-3 striper – Stripes (these are optional). You could just do the R dots along the edge of the Y bands.
#2 liner – Fine details.
1” bristle blender – Dry brushing techniques.