Swedish Candlebox - JP3288

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  • Regular price $9.95

The unique and beautiful Swedish gourd tree from Darlana decorates the top of this simple rectangular box.  The fingerprint border and dark faux finish combine to remind us that creative techniques can be fun and decorative.

Complete Supply List:

Painting Medium of Choice
Kleister Medium
Texture Paste*** (optional)

Red Earth
Smoked Pearl
Paynes Grey
Yellow Oxide
Titanium White* (optional)
Sapphire** (optional)
Medium Blue Mix (Paynes Grey + Smoked Pearl)
Green Mix (Paynes Grey or black + Yellow Oxide)
* If more contrast in white areas, add Titanium White
** If you prefer Carbon Black, add Sapphire for blue areas and tone it with black and white addition
*** I prefer the Texture Paste in the tube

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch#3 round, #2-4 filbert - basic painting
#2 short liner - fine details
#2 striper - stripes
#6 bristle fan - faux finish (about 1" fan)