A delightful tin piece festively decorated with the colors of autumn. Fill this piece with treats for the tea table or a special luncheon and have a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy!
Complete Supply List:
Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium
Tiger Lily (or Orange + White)
Napthol Red Light
Indian Red Oxide or Red Violet
Purple Madder
Naples Yellow Hue
Turners Yellow
Yellow Orange
Raw Sienna
Gold Oxide
Antique Green
Storm Blue
Moss Green
Olive Green
Brilliant Violet
Dioxazine Purple
Brown Earth
Nimbus Grey
Carbon Black
Unbleached Titanium
Titanium White
Background colors:
Provincial Beige
Wild Grape
Antique Green
#3-4 round, #6 filbert – Basic painting.
#2 liner or smaller – Fine details.
¼” Possibilities brush – Painting fruit and pumpkins.
1” old brush – Applying Retarder Medium.
½”-3/4” flat brush or oval glaze – Glaze color.
1” mop – Blend out glaze color.