Os Rosemaling Cabinet - JP3067

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A little Southwest of Bergen is the area called Os. This style developed a little later, but is a style that was done on many small pieces. These small pieces became nice gift items and also mementos of home for immigrants.

This light, airy style is reminiscent of a bouquet of wild flowers. The endless variety of stylized flower forms delights the eye and the imagination. The unicorn and lion on the curved sword are traditional heraldic designs found on many Norwegian items from other areas. The usual decoration found with simple scrolls and flowers is a well-known building such as a church or a geometric circle, square, or rectangle, that is well decorated.

Jo Sonja’s Matte Flow Acrylics
Amethyst (optional)
Blue Violet
Brilliant Violet
Naples Yellow Hue
Napthol Crimson
Orange or Vermilion
Purple Madder
Raw Umber
Red Violet
Sap Green or Pine Green
Titanium White
Yellow Orange
Yellow Deep or Yellow Light

Gel Retarder
Kleister Medium (optional)
Texture Paste (optional)