Os Bouquets - JP3312

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  • Regular price $10.95

This special sending basket combines the skill of Sally and Ken Hurst.  I am thrilled that they would make this piece for us to decorate with Os bouquets in a traditionally inspired style.

Painting medium of choice
Clear Glaze Medium
Kleister Medium
Retarder Medium (optional)

Red (Pyrrole Red or Napthol
Red Light)
Red Violet
Yellow (Arylide Yellow or Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Green (Brilliant Green)
Teal Green
Blue (Pthalo Blue)
Antique Green or mix
Diox Purple
Raw Umber (toner)
Carbon Black
Titanium White

Color Mixing:
Add Husk or white to make tints
Add black to make shades
Add Raw Umber to tone colors

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 filbert - Basic painting
#1-2 striper - Stripes
#1 short liner - Fine details and lines
#6-8 Oval Dry Brush - Dry brushing
3/8"-1/2" Oval Wash - Light glazing or antiquing of edges
#6-8 old filbert - prepping and glazing woven areas