Peter Hunt was another artist whose style I studied early in my painting journey. He said that his style evolved from Swedish and Hungarian influences, so next, that is where my studies led me. The Hungarian artists called the peasant people Merry Makers, which spoke to me. They have evolved over the years to this study.
Painting Medium of choice (water)
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium (optional)
Napthol Red Light
Red Violet
Yellow Deep
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Teal Green
Yellow Green
Prussian Blue Hue
Brown Earth
Carbon Black
Unbleached Titanium
Titanium White
Flesh mix is Unbleached Titanium + Orange + touch of Yellow Oxide
Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #6 filbert* - basic painting
#2 short liner - fine details
#2 striper - stripe
3/4" Oval Wash - preparation and finishing
*I substituted the newer 1/4" Oval Wash brush for most of the techniques where I usually use a filbert. It is wonderful.