Mermaids, Sailors and Whales Online Class

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 Class Details and Benefits:                                             
  • Previously offered as a dvd.
  • In-depth Video Instruction; two videos 3 1/2 hours total length
  • On-demand access anytime beginning immediately after your purchase.
  • Downloadable PDF resources including closeup photos, patterns and instructions.
 Select bundle option for 16" bass wood plate, free shipping AND online class access.

Great inspiration and connection to an old painting style can be illustrated in the work of Ralph Cahoon (1910-1982). A joyful look at the work of a contemporary folk artist who blends Swedish folk art with contemporary fables and the influence of the area where he lives. Fun!

Retarder Medium

Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Orange (Pyrrole Orange)
Napthol Red Light (Pyrrole Red Orange)
Red Violet
Yellow Light (Arylide Yellow)
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Gold oxide
Brown Earth (Burnt Sienna + Burnt Umber 1:1)
Yellow Green
Brilliant Green
Pthalo Green
Pthalo Blue (or Prussian Blue Hue)
Diox. Purple
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Background Colors:
Sky Blue
Cornflower Blue
Mustard Seed

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
Adapt size of brush to object being painted:
#3-4 round, #2,4,6 filbert - Basic painting
Series 1360 #1-2 short liner - Fine details
Series 1318 1/2" - 3/4" Oval Wash - Background techniques
Series 1318 1/4" - 3/8" Oval Wash - Smaller background details
Series 1317 or Series 1315 - 3/4" - 1" mop - Blending background