Legends of Santa Claus Packet - JP3017

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The stories of Santa Claus can be traced back to the fourth century A.D. to a holy man known as St. Nicholas, the bishop of Myra.   

This box illustrates just a few of the stories that people have told concerning the life of this man.   St. Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors and seamen. He is said to have calmed the stormy seas and saved a ship and its inhabitants.

The left side illustrates the story of his giving his wealth to 3 young maidens so that they would have a dowry. The right side is Sinter Claes (in Holland) who rides on a white horse bringing gifts to good children.  The back illustrates our frontier Santa and the top is the very popular Santa Claus and his Christmas sleigh, pulled by reindeer.

The Bombay box is 19" long x 15" wide and 14" tall.  Open the lid and there is a tray with a handle that lifts out.

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Colors
Brown Earth
Burnished Copper
Carbon Black (optional)
Gold Iridescent
Gold Oxide
Indian Red Oxide
Napthol Red Light or Napthol Crimson
Raw Sienna
Red Earth
Rich Gold
Storm Blue
Warm White
Yellow Oxide

Retarder Medium
Clear Glaze Medium