This bundle includes the large 18" beaded plate, photos, instructions and FREE US shipping. The plate is beautifully turned from basswood.
What a wonderful theme to paint about! Our Christmas plate this year (2000) shows a little inspiration from the old bride’s box painting, but with a purely contemporary twist. Softness is given the painting by the glazing shading techniques and yet there are the contrasts that I love, and lots of decoration. Please let your heart sing as you paint this piece and may it bring you a fun painting experience
Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium
Clear Glaze Medium
Diox Purple
Yellow Deep
Rich Gold (trim)
Purple Madder
Naples Yellow Hue
Napthol Red Light
Brilliant Green
Ultramarine Blue
Celadon (optional)
Jaune Brilliant
Carbon Black
Gold Oxide
Unbleached Titanium
Yellow Oxide
#6 filbert, #4 round - Basic painting
#3 round - Smaller decorative strokes and lettering
#2 liner - Fine details
1" flat or oval glaze - Applying Retarder
#6 - 8 filbert or oval glaze - Applying glaze color
1" mop - Softening out glazes
1/2” stippler - Softening out glazes in small areas.