Hickety Pickety - JP3269

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"Hickety Pickety, my black hen,
she lays eggs for gentlemen:
Gentlemen come everyday to see
what my black hen doth lay."

This old nursery rhyme was fun inspiration for the development of this design.

Complete Supply List:

Fruitwood Stain
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium
Flow Medium

Red Earth
Indian Red Oxide
Purple Madder (optional)
Oak Moss
Prussian Blue Hue
Carbon Black
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Antique Green (optional)
Smoked Pearl
Gold Oxide

#3 round, #2 filbert: Basic painting
#2 short liner: fine details, lettering
#2 Kolinsky detailer: fine details and tear drops
#2 striper: stripes