Hardanger Traditions - JP3161

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Bundle includes the traditional headdress box, photos, instructions and patterns to do the piece shown.  Wood dimensions are approximately 12" x 8" x 9".

Here we have the wonderful example of Per A. Arhus (b, 1758) from Kvam, Steinsdalen to guide our studies, a farmer from the Hardanger area. He evolved his style mainly on small trunks. It is interesting to note that this box was also used and decorated through the Southwestern area of Dalarna, Sweden around Lima, which is just East of Elverum, Norway.

Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium (if you wish to glaze)

Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Purple Madder
Red Earth
Tiger Lily or Norwegian Orange
Raw Sienna
Yellow Oxide
Yellow Orange
Storm Blue or Linen
Antique Green
Carbon Black
Raw or Burnt Umber
Smoked Pearl or Linen
Antique Green has been used as the medium blue value. You may make your own med. value blue from Storm Blue or Prussian Blue mixes.
Flesh mix is orange + white (Smoked Pearl or Linen)

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #4 – 6 filbert or flat – Basic painting.
#2 liner – Fine details.
#1-2 striper – Stripes.