Autumn has come. The first snows have fallen. Time for some autumn colors on a smaller version of the traditional head dress trunk and tulips for a little change.
Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium
Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Tiger Lily
Gold Oxide
Red Earth
India Red Oxide (or Purple Madder)
Turners Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Tingel's Pond
Storm Blue
Brown Earth
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
B1350/1352/3010/4010 #3 round, B1385/1387 #2, 4, 6 filbert - Basic painting
B1360/3020 #2 liner - Fine details, stripes.
B1318 Old Oval Wash 3/4" - Spatter snow on back panel
a 1" brush (varnish brush or bristle brush) - Dry brushing technique