Guardian Angel Chair - JP3305

  • Sale
  • Regular price $9.95

This is a take off of a Fraktur Angel which was used on Penn-Dutch birth announcements, and the chair is a reproduction of one that we purchased from Land's Valley Museum, Pennsylvania.

Painting Medium of Choice
Retarder Medium

Napthol Red
Purple Madder
Turners Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Moss Green
Teal Green
Cornflower or Sapphire
Carbon black
Unbleached Titanium
Titanium White
Flesh mix: Unbleached Titanium + touch of orange or red + touch of Yellow Oxide; a medium value.

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 filbert - basic painting
#1-2 short liner - Fine details, lettering
#2 striper - stripes
1" old brush - applying Retarder Medium
1" flat, filbert or Oval Wash - applying glaze color to large area
1" mop - blending out glaze color
#6-8 Domed Round Blender or #8 Oval Dry Brush - applying glaze to small areas