Bundle comes complete with pre-primed tin lunchbox and design packet.
This Country style lunchbox is an antique reproduction measuring 8" long, 5.25" wide and approximately 8" tall. The surface comes pre-primed black and is ready to paint with minimal additional prep.
A very old floral technique decoration, this tote gives the piece the appearance of an aged decorative item.
Retarder Medium
Painting Medium of choice
Kleister Medium
Napthol Red Light
Red Violet
Turners Yellow
Yellow Orange
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Yellow Green
Brilliant Green
Vines or Green Oxide
Prussian Blue Hue
Diox Purple
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Rich Gold
Note: Add white to major hues for lighter values.
Round brushes with excellent points:
#2-3, 5-6 Kolinsky round (series 1320) – LP (long point preferred – Basic painting.
#2 short liner – Fine details, small floral trim.
Brushes for glazing:
½”-3/4”old filbert, flat – Applying Retarder.
#8-10 Domed round blender – Applying glaze color.
¾” Possibility brush or mop – Blending out glaze color.