A rainbow of colors draws us to view a beautiful garden of colorful flowers. The interior of this traditional wooden piece is decorated with a monochromatic Chinoiserie design.
Complete Supply List:
Kleister Medium
Retarder Medium
Flow Medium (optional)
Brilliant Violet
Napthol Red Light
Red Violet
Yellow Deep
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Pthalo Green
Pacific Blue
Pthalo Blue
Harbor Blue
Storm BLue
Diox Purple
Burnt Sienna
Raw Umber
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Preparation Palette:
Soft White
Harbor Blue
Rich Gold
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 filberts - Basic painting
#2 short liner - fine details
#2 striper - stripes
#6 Pointed Round Blender - faux marble
1/8" 1/4" Oval Wash - Blended strokes
1/2" - 3/4" old brush - Applying Retarder
3/4" - 1" mop - Mopping out
Retarder, softening faux marbling
1" wide Scotch Tape - masking