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  • Regular price $11.95

The bundle has includes the beautiful 4 drawer jewelry box, printed pattern packet with photos and instructions and FREE Shipping.  The box is constructed from Baltic Birch ply and the top is a bombay shape that is made with bentwood techniques.  Size of jewelry cabinet:  8.5" wide x 5" deep x 12" tall.

Over the years, I've always enjoyed returning to the decorative floral painting from the Alsace region of Northern France for inspiration.  Perfect styling for this small jewelry cabinet. 

For further inspiration, we have a deluxe bundle that includes the Jewelry Box & Packet, French Bridal Online class and our book Bridal Painting.

This design is only available as a bundle at this time as it has been done specifically for this piece.  We expect to run out of this piece and not to worry we have more on order and will continue to carry it.  


Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Painting Medium of Choice
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium (optional)

Jo Sonja's Artist Colors
Orange - O
Gold Oxide - Toned O
Napthol Red Light - R
Red Earth - Toned R
Burgundy - RV
India Red Oxide - Toned RV (opaque)
Purple Madder - Toned RV (transparent)
Yellow Light - Y
Turners Yellow - Y tint
Yellow Orange - YO
Yellow Oxide - Y Ox
Raw Sienna - Raw S.
Yellow Green - YG
Brilliant Green - G
Olive Green - Toned G
Raindrop - BG tint
Pthalo Blue - B
Diox Purple - V
Carbon Black - Blk
Titanium White - W
Pearl White (reserve until decorating insets)

Tints - Add white
Shades - Add black
Tone - Add a touch of compliment or select a common toner.

You might like to include a few selected medium value hues, like Sapphire or Pacific Blue, Vines, Brilliant Violet, Amethyst, etc.

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
B1350/1352/4010 #2-3 round, B1385/1387 #2,4 or 6 filbert or
B1310 #1-2 striper - Stripes
B1360 #2, #18/0 short liner - Fine details
B1318 1/2" Oval Wash - Glazing, applying Retarder
1/2" - 3/4" mop - Blending out Retarder, a darker glaze