Joy! Sleigh - JP3340 - Bundle

  • Sale
  • Regular price $25.00

This first in a series of economical and fun project bundles.  This isn't priced to include free shipping by itself but add another item or two and it will automatically qualify!  The bundle includes the small decorative sleigh, packet and photos.  This is a small sleigh is made out of basswood and measures 11" long x 5" wide and 2" high.

This fraktur inspired little angel is softly present on a small sled simply to bring a smile and a bit of sunshine to your day.  Peace and joy to your world - today.

Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Colors:
(Choose your favorites, these are generic suggestions)
Amethyst (optional)
Red Earth
Red Violet
Indian Red Oxide
Yellow Oxide
Antique Brass (or Raw Sienna)
Brilliant Green
Olive Green
Sky Blue
Pacific Blue
Pthalo Blue
Diox Purple
Skin Tone Base
Naples Yellow Hue
Titanium White

#2-3 round, #2-4 filbert - Basic painting
#1-2 striper - Stripe
3/8" Oval Wash - Clouds and applying Retarder Medium
old 3/4" Oval Wash - Dry brushing
#1-2 liner - Fine details
3/4" Oval Wash - Base coating and varnishing
#2 short liner - Lettering