Garden by the Sea - Collection 2 - JP3333

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Includes instructions and patterns for 3 small projects.

Contemporary folk art, influenced by all of the old styles that we have studied, now comes together and expresses our love of an art that is meant purely to decorate.
There will not be a light source, unless you wish to develop one. Light and dark values will be used to give contrast and form to each object as needed to provide a cohesive composition simply nice to look at. Colors can be varied as you feel comfortable with the techniques and you are encouraged to use your favorite hues as you develop you palette choices.

Painting medium (Clear Glaze Medium or Magic Mix)
Retarder Medium
Kleister Medium

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Colors:
Gold Oxide
Red (your choice)
Red Earth
Indian Red Oxide
Arylide Yellow
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna (optional)
Brilliant Green
Teal Green
Medium blue mix (Storm Blue (or mix) + touch Husk + touch Orange)
Storm Blue (Pthalo Blue + touch black & white)
Carbon Black
Husk (Toned white)
Titanium White

(Substitute your favorite brushes where desired)
#3 Choice Detailer - Basic painting
#1-2 liner - Fine details.
#2 striper - Stripes
1/2" Oval Wash - Applying Retarder Medium, developing sky, clouds, sea on scenes
1/2 - 3/4" mop - Blending out Retarder Medium, blending out color.