Colonial Horseman - JP1134

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  • Regular price $8.95

This dashing young man and his prancing steed are done in a very basic folk art style, utilizing a little stroke shading and highlighting, some pat blending in large areas, and lots of liner and strokes for decoration.

Complete Supply List:

Retarder Medium
All Purpose Sealer
Polyurethane Varnish

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Colors
Napthol Red Light
Red Earth
Rose Pink or Norwegian Orange
Raw Sienna
Yellow Oxide
Turners Yellow
Teal Green
Green Oxide
Moss Green
Storm Blue or Prussian Blue Hue
Sapphire or French Blue
Brown Earth
Carbon Black
Warm White
D.W. - W. + Med. B + Med. Y.
Flesh - W. + Norwegian Orange
Dk. Flesh - Flesh + Burnt Sienna + a small amt. of Dk. B.

#3-4 round, #4-6 filbert - Basic painting.
#1-2 short liner - Fine details, lettering.
Old 1/2" brush - Applying Retarder Medium.
1/2"-3/4" mop - Blending out Retarder.