Camelot - JP3298

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  • Regular price $12.95

This highly decorated piece is in the shape of a reliquary topped with dragons.  From the young Arthur and the sword in the stone to the knights of the round table enjoy decorating this piece with techniques and ideas from illuminated manuscript painting.  The box was originally from Butter Ranch and has been beautifully reproduced by Paul and Susan Lockwood.

Complete Supply List:

Painting medium of choice
Retarder Medium
Clear Glaze Medium

Napthol Crimson
Red Earth
Brown Madder
Red Violet or Indian Red Oxide
Yellow Light
Yellow Oxide
Raw Sienna
Gold Oxide
Yellow Green
Brilliant Green
Pthalo Green
Diox Purple
Nimbus Grey
Provincial Beige
Brown Earth
Raw Umber
Carbon Black
Unbleached Titanium
Titanium White
Pearl White
Rich Gold
Pale Gold
Burnished Copper
Flesh Mix - Unbleached Titanium + Gold Oxide + touch of Yellow Oxide
Highlight Flesh - Titanium White + Orange + touch Yellow Oxide and Pale Gold

Jo Sonja's Sure Touch
#3-4 round, #2, 4, 6 filbert or flat - basic painting
#1-2 short liner - fine details
#0-2 Domed Round Blender - blending possibility choice and dragon decorating
#1-2 striper - lines on checked background area
1/2" old filbert or flat or Oval Wash - applying Retarder
3/4"-1" mop - evening out Retarder and/or glaze colors
3/4"-1" bristle blender (Oval Dry Brush) - applying metallic colors
1/2" - 3/4" oval Wash - applying glaze color